Hair Care

Say Buh-Bye To Oily Hair This Summer!

Oily Hair

Why Does Hair Get EXTRA Oily In Summers? 

Summer is here and that means fun in the sun! But for those with oily hair, the warm weather can cause some not-so-fun issues. As temperatures rise, your scalp produces more sebum – the natural oil that keeps hair soft and hydrated. This overproduction of oil leads to greasy, limp locks that can look dirty and feel itchy.

While a little oil is normal, too much can make hair appear flat and stringy. Plus, excess oil attracts dirt and pollution, weighting hair down. With humidity and sweat, slick strands start to stick to your neck and face, which is no fun.

Oily hair can put a damper on summertime activities. You may find yourself washing and styling more often just to try to get fresh-looking hair. But frequent shampooing can dry out your strands and irritate your scalp.

The good news? You don’t have to suffer through a greasy summer. With some easy tweaks to your haircare routine and lifestyle habits, you can cut down on oil production and keep your hair looking and feeling clean. This guide will cover tips and tricks to say buh-bye to oily hair this summer!

Causes of Oily Hair

Oily hair is caused by a variety of factors that lead to overproduction of sebum from the oil glands in the scalp. Some common causes include:

Overactive Oil Glands – The sebaceous glands in the scalp can become overactive and produce excess sebum. This overproduction of oil leads to greasy hair. Hormonal changes, genetics, and stress can trigger overactive oil glands.

Hormones – Hormonal fluctuations related to puberty, periods, pregnancy, menopause, or birth control pills can increase sebum production and cause oily hair. The androgens hormones stimulate sebum production.

Greasy Products – Using too many rich, heavy products like oils, creams, and serums can weigh hair down and make it appear greasy. Product buildup can clog follicles and lead to more oil production.

Buildup – When you don’t wash your hair regularly, dirt, dead skin cells, and product residue can build up on the scalp. This clogs follicles and contributes to excess sebum production.

Downsides of Oily Hair

Oily hair can lead to some frustrating issues. Here are some of the main downsides:

  • Looks dirty/greasy – Excess oil production causes hair to appear limp, flat and greasy. This can create an unkempt look even when hair is freshly washed. The greasy appearance can be embarrassing and damaging to self-confidence.

  • Clogs pores – Too much oil on the scalp can clog hair follicles and pores. This prevents natural shedding of dead skin cells and creates buildup on the scalp. Clogged pores can lead to irritation, dandruff, and acne.

  • Attracts dirt – Greasy hair is like a magnet for dirt, dust and other particles in the air. The oil causes these things to stick to hair strands, making hair dull and dirty. Frequent washing is needed to remove the grime.

Tips for Washing

Washing oily hair can be tricky. You want to remove excess oil but not strip your hair and scalp completely. This can lead to even more oil production!

Focus on using a clarifying shampoo that is specially formulated to cut through oil and product buildup without over-drying. Look for ingredients like salicylic acid or charcoal. Only shampoo your roots and avoid scrubbing your lengths and ends which don’t need as much washing.

It may be tempting to wash daily or even multiple times a day when hair gets greasy. But this can disrupt the natural oil balance and cause the sebaceous glands to overcompensate, resulting in even more oil. Limit washing to every other day or 2-3 times a week if possible. Give your scalp and strands a break in between washes.

Choosing the Right Products

When it comes to shampoos, conditioners, and styling products, it’s important to choose options specifically formulated for oily hair. Look for lightweight, oil-free products that won’t further weigh down your strands or exacerbate greasiness.

Shampoos that contain salicylic acid or charcoal can help absorb excess oil and remove buildup. Clarifying shampoos are another great option for deep cleansing. As for conditioner, steer clear of rich, heavy formulas and opt for lighter leave-in or rinse-out varieties.

Also be mindful of any additional styling products you use. Gel, mousse, spray, and pomade can quickly make hair appear limp and greasy, especially in humid weather. Go for products labeled “oil-free,” “weightless,” or “volumizing” to avoid this issue. And use them sparingly, focusing just on the roots and lengths rather than saturating your hair.

The key is finding the right balance of cleansing, hydrating, and styling products that address oiliness without over-drying your hair. With the right lightweight formulas, you can fight grease and say buh-bye to oily hair this summer!

Haircare Habits

Oily hair can tempt you to touch, play with, or run your fingers through your hair throughout the day. However, touching your hair too often can actually stimulate oil production and make the issue worse. Get into the habit of keeping your hands off your hair as much as possible. Only touch your hair when needed, like when styling or washing.

Using dry shampoo between washes is another great habit for managing oily hair. Dry shampoo soaks up excess oil and adds volume at the roots. Focus on applying it to the oiliest areas of your hair, usually the top of your head and around your hairline. Let the dry shampoo sit for a few minutes before brushing it through to fully absorb oil. This helps extend the freshness of your hair between shampoos.

Managing Oily Roots

Oily roots can make hair look greasy and limp, even right after washing. Targeting shampoo at the roots can help remove excess oil without over-drying the ends. Focus shampoo application on the scalp and roots only, using your fingertips to really massage and clean the area. Rinse thoroughly so shampoo residue doesn’t weigh hair down.

Dry shampoo is another great way to soak up oil between washes. Look for dry shampoos formulated for oily hair and apply to the roots only. Let it sit for a few minutes to absorb oil before brushing through. Dry shampoo adds volume at the roots and can help styles last longer between washes. Go easy on the amount used to avoid any chalky white residue.

Making Styles Last

Oily hair can make it challenging to maintain hairstyles and updos. The natural oils cause styles to fall flat or get stringy faster. But there are some tips to help your hair hold a style longer between washes.

Using dry texture spray before styling is one of the best ways to soak up excess oil. Apply it to the roots and lengths of hair. This creates grip so styles stay put better. Avoid using heavy creams or oils when styling, since these will add more grease.

Lightweight mousses and salt sprays are better options. They provide texture without weighing hair down. Hairstyles like braids, buns, and ponytails can help hide oily roots too. Pinning and clipping sections in place also prevents styles from collapsing. With the right products and techniques, you can make styles last longer between washes.

Oily Hair

Dietary Changes

What you eat can have a big impact on the oiliness of your hair. Here are some diet tips to help control excess oil:

Foods to Eat More Of:

  • Water – Staying hydrated helps balance oil production. Aim for 8 cups per day.

  • Omega-3s – Fatty fish like salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation. Inflammation can trigger overactive oil glands.

  • Zinc – Found in foods like oysters, beef, and nuts, zinc regulates oil production.

  • Vitamin B5 – This vitamin supports healthy oil production. Get it from mushrooms, eggs, and avocados.

  • Protein – Eating adequate protein provides the amino acids for hair growth and balance. Choose lean meats, eggs, beans, and nuts.

Foods to Limit:

  • Sugary foods – High sugar intake causes blood sugar and insulin spikes, which stimulate oil glands.

  • Dairy – High-fat dairy like whole milk and cheese may increase sebum production. Opt for low-fat versions.

  • Fried/processed foods – These are high in unhealthy fats that can increase oil production.

  • Simple carbs – Foods made with white flour and added sugars lead to blood sugar swings.

With some adjustments to your diet and eating more natural, unprocessed foods, you may notice less oily hair. Be sure to stay hydrated, get enough protein, and limit sugary, fried, and high-fat foods.

When to See a Doctor

If your oily hair has become extremely excessive or unmanageable, it may be a sign of an underlying health condition. Some reasons to consider seeing a doctor include:

  • Hair that appears greasy and stringy no matter what products or washing methods you try. This could potentially indicate issues with hormone levels or other medical factors.

  • Sudden onset of much oilier hair than your normal baseline. Drastic changes in oil production can sometimes point to thyroid disorders or other conditions.

  • Oily scalp along with symptoms like itchiness, redness, dandruff, hair loss, or sores. This may be a sign of skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis or fungal infections.

  • Hair oiliness accompanied by other changes like fatigue, weight gain or loss, irregular periods, etc. Since androgens often drive excess sebum, look out for other signs of hormone imbalances.

  • No relief from oily hair even after trying many typical remedies. Could mean an underlying factor needs medical attention.

  • Significant emotional distress about oily, greasy hair. If it’s taking a major toll on your self-esteem, a doctor may help identify solutions.

Don’t hesitate to check with your doctor if your oily hair is really concerning and not improving with standard methods. With the right treatment plan, you can get to the bottom of excess oil production.